It's always really difficult to judge how much to bake. Too much leftover and your profits are gone and too little and the stall looks, well a bit sad. I'm delighted to say for once we got it just right and sold out by the end of the evening. People said lovely things about the cakes and I went home grinning.
Next day I was up early baking a cake for velocity in Inverness. It's a lovely, lovely cafe and I'm delighted to have my cakes there. This week I took them a blueberry , lemon and thyme cake decorated with thyme leaves from the garden which makes me feel all sorts of domestic godessy!
Though it does look like I've decorated it with olives....
Saturday was a crasy busy with a christening cake for a lovely woman who's been a great friend and supporter of Bad Girl. I had a couple of issues with this cake which involved a few stressful moments and a mercy dash to tesco but we won't go into that...
I think it was all worth it though.
Straight from that and onto a 21st birthday cake (chocolate caramel with buttercream icing and handmade decorations. 12 hour day but off to bed happy.
Today I spent some time writing a new recipe because I'm making elderflower cordial tomorrow and I'm very excited! Seasonal and homemade? I'm delighted. (Sad isn't it?) So I came up with lemon, coconut and elderflower. Test run tomorrow...I'll keep you posted.
I have to say the highlight of the week was an unprompted message from a fellow baker who wrote to say hello and that she'd seen my page and liked the cakes and ethos. I was so touched by her taking the time to do that. Her stuff is amazing and I've admired it from afar so her note made my day.
OK, off to bed now, up at 6 to make sour cherry and ginger Florentines.
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